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Knowledge development and training for digital and robotics personnel, professional standards, professional fields, information and communication technology and digital content...

About subject

Knowledge development and training for digital and robotics personnel, professional standards, professional fields, information and communication technology and digital content. Hardware has a number of content throughout the project. 12 content groups


นาวาตรี ดร.วุฒิพงศ์ พงศ์สุวรรณ, ดร.ปัญจรัตน์ หาญพานิช, วรพงษ์ เฉลิมวัฒนานนท์, อัศวิน มุ่งนากลาง 


Subject name Hardware
Duration of study 0 Minutes per day
Should study 0 Day
Institution -
Content level -
Language Thai
Describe Thai
Score 0/10  Score
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